Moving or Pushing an Order from one Customer Control Panel to another

You can move an Order along with all other related Products and Services from your existing Customer Control Panel to another Customer, by following the steps mentioned below:


  1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Order and go to the Order Information view. 1

    About Lock / Suspension 

  2. Click the Move Services link on the top right-hand side of the screen, to initiate the process.

  3. Here, you would have to mention the following details:

    • New Customer's ID: The Customer ID is a unique number associated with a Customer's Profile. If you do not know the Customer ID of the new Account, you can locate it in the Profile Details view in the new Customer Control Panel. 2

    • New Customer's username: Mention the Customer Username (Email Address) of the Customer Account where you wish to move the Order.

    About Customer Details 

    About Contact Details 

  4. Click the Move services to other Customer button.

  5. Confirm that the Customer account to which you are moving this Order, is the one you really intend to and click the Confirm and Move button.

Move Errors 

  • A domain can only be moved using the existing Contact Details of the domain name. The feature for using Default Contacts of the new customer has been Deprecated.
  • Move is currently not supported for WordPress Hosting orders.
  • Moving a VPS order from one customer account to another can affect the following configurations on your server:
    • Private Network:

      If you are using private IPs for your servers, moving the order to another customer account will affect its private IP. When you enable private network for any server under a customer account, it creates a private vlan and all VPS servers under that customer account can communicate over this private network. Therefore, when you move one order to another customer account, this server now becomes of part of a separate private network and will be able to communicate only with the servers under the destination customer account.You will have to update the configurations with the new private IP to start using this again.

    • SSH Key Manager:

      The keys that you upload using the SSH Key Manager in the Server Management Panel are available to all the servers only under that specific customer account. Thus after moving the order from one customer account to another, the keys that you will see under its Server Management Panel will be the ones uploaded/managed under this new customer account. However, keys are never deleted from the server’s authorized_keys file.