Suspending / Unsuspending a Domain Name

Order Suspension is a useful feature available to Resellers of ResellerClub - China. Typically, you may need to Suspend domain names in response to abuse complaints or when you haven't received payment towards domain name registration/renewal/transfer services, etc..


To Suspend / Unsuspend a Domain Name

  1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name you wish to Suspend/Unsuspend and proceed to the Order Details view. 1

  2. Here,

    • To Suspend the Domain Name:

      1. Click the Lock / Suspend link.


      2. Select the Suspend radio button, enter the reason for Suspension and click the Update button.


        The reason for Suspension would be visible to your immediate Sub-Reseller/Customer (depending upon whether the domain name belongs to your Sub-Reseller's Customer or your immediate Customer) in the Order Details view of the domain name, from within their Control Panel.

    • To Unsuspend the Domain Name:

      1. Click the Unsuspend Order button.


      2. select the No Restriction radio button and click the Update button.