Various features of your Plesk Reseller Windows Hosting Package with ResellerClub - China are listed below.

Accessing Plesk

Uploading Content to your Website

To upload content to your Website through an FTP client, use only FTPS on Port 21. (Anchor: ftps)

Some FTP clients support both FTPS modes: Explicit and Implicit. In such FTP clients, the Explicit (FTPES) mode needs to be selected.

List of Popular FTP Clients that Support FTPS

  • WinSCP 1

  • FileZilla 2

  • CuteFTP 3

  • Core FTP 4

  • SmartFTP 5

Using Plesk (Anchor: plesk)

Plesk Reseller interface (Anchor: pleskreseller)

All necessary information regarding the various sections and features visible within your Plesk Reseller interface provided by ResellerClub - China is available in the guide below:


You will need to browse through this guide to find details regarding your Plesk Reseller interface.


You may reset your main Plesk Password from your Plesk interface itself. However, you will also have to then update it within the your Control Panel. 6

Plesk Control Panel (User) interface (Anchor: pleskcp)

All necessary information regarding the various sections and features visible within your Plesk Control Panel (User interface) provided by ResellerClub - China is available in the guide below:


You will need to browse through this guide to find details regarding your Plesk Control Panel.

  • It is recommended to skip all topics related to Linux hosting.

  • Prior to installing/uploading a SSL / Digital Certificate, you need to enable SSL support for your Plesk Reseller Windows Hosting package through ResellerClub - China. 7

WHMCS (Anchor: whmcs)

WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. It can be installed from the WHMCS section under the E-Commerce category, within the Softaculous feature. A License Key is required for the installation of WHMCS, which can be purchased from the Order Information view of the Reseller Windows Hosting Order.

To Purchase a WHMCS License Key

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Reseller Windows Hosting Order and go to the Order Information view. 

  2. Click on the Buy WHMCS License link.

  3. You will be redirected to a purchase flow from where you can purchase a new license for the existing package.

To View a WHMCS License Key

Once the license is purchased you will be able to manage the license using the steps mentioned below:

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Reseller Windows Hosting Order and go to the Order Information view. 

  2. Click on the Manage WHMCS License link

  3. You will be able to view the active license associated with the package.

To Delete a WHMCS License Key

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Reseller Windows Hosting Order and go to the Order Information view. 

  2. Click on the Manage WHMCS License link

  3. Click on the Delete option provided beside the WHMCS license 

  4. This action will require confirmation. Click on Delete WHMCS License and the existing license will be deleted. 

Kindly note: 

  • Deletion of the WHMCS License is immediate and permanent.
  • Purchasing a WHMCS License again will not guarantee the same License.