Customizing the URL for your Control Panels

ResellerClub - China allows you to have Branded Control Panel URLs. You may either use Partially Branded or Fully Branded URLs to develop your Reseller business with us. Fully Branded URLs allow you to have complete anonymity from ResellerClub - China.


The Fully Branded Control Panel URLs can not be the same as that of your SuperSite or PartnerSite. You must create different Branded URLs for these interfaces, in order to have the SuperSite, PartnerSite as well as the Control Panels functional at all times.

Partially Branded Control Panel URLs

Upon signing up as a Reseller of ResellerClub - China, our system automatically generates Partially Branded URLs for Customer and Sub-Reseller Control Panels under you. Your Partially Branded Control Panel URL would be of the form: The prefix can be modified to your liking as long as it is not being used by another Reseller in our system. Ideally, this prefix should be your Company Name or your Brand Name.

Once you have decided on your prefix, you would have to submit the same within your Reseller Control Panel, by following the below mentioned steps:

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. 1

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings and then click Branding Settings.

  3. Click the Branded URL Prefix tab.

  4. Here, you need to enter your desired prefix and click the Update button. On submitting the same, the prefix would be assigned to you, and would be common to all your Partially Branded URLs, i.e. SuperSite URL, PartnerSite URL, Control Panel URLs, etc.


In case this prefix is not available, you will encounter the error message:

This prefix is already used. Choose another one.

You would have to select another prefix under such a circumstance.

  • Even after your Partially Branded prefix is changed, the old prefix can not be used by anyone else except you for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, however, the prefix will be deleted and will become available for anyone to utilize.

  • If upon changing your prefix, you wish to revert to the same (within this 30 day period), you may do so by following the process outlined above.

  • Once the prefix is deleted, your Partially Branded Name Servers containing this prefix will also be deleted.

    Additional Information

    Partially Branded Name Servers

Fully Branded Control Panel URLs

Besides Partially Branded URLs, you can point your own domain name to our servers and use those as your Fully Branded Control Panel URLs. ResellerClub - China allows you to have as many Fully Branded URLs as you wish. However, you would have to create a CNAME Record for each URL you select. Also, please be aware that your selected Fully Branded URL can not be of the form

Thus, if you have the Partially Branded URL in the form and you want the Fully Branded URL as, then you would have to create a CNAME Record for pointing to

Besides creating individual CNAME Records for each Fully Branded URL, you would have to submit the same within your Reseller Control Panel as well. Follow the steps mentioned below to accomplish this:

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. 2

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings and then click Branding Settings.

  3. Click the Control Panel tab.

  4. Specify your Primary Domain Name in the Fully-Branded URL section. This URL would automatically be used by our system within emails sent to your Customers and Sub-Resellers.

  5. Next, you may specify any additional URLs you wish to point to your Control Panel after clicking the Point additional Domain Names (or Subdomains) to the Control Panel link. However, for each of these you would have to create a separate CNAME record pointing to ResellerClub - China Servers as created for the Primary Control Panel URL.

  6. Click the Update button.


In case this URL is already being used for some other Reseller Account, you will encounter the error message:

URL is already being used.

You would have to select another URL under such a circumstance.

  • Upon submission of your Fully Branded Control Panel URL, you will notice that under the Control Panel URL section, your Fully Branded Control Panel URLs for your Customers and Sub-Resellers are automatically generated and displayed.

  • Even though you have created your Fully Branded Control Panel URLs, your Partially Branded URLs would continue to function. You may always rely on these, in case your Fully Branded Control Panel URLs develop any issue.

  • Without creating appropriate CNAME Records for your Fully Branded Control Panel URLs, your Branded URLs will not function, even though you may have submitted them within your Reseller Control Panel.

  • Using a CNAME Record will help you benefit from ResellerClub - China's Disaster Recovery Setup.

  • If you have set up email on your primary Domain Name, you may use a Subdomain such as for your Control Panel URL to avoid clashes between CNAME and MX Records.