The SuperSite 2 Admin Area allows you to select the Product Plans that you wish to display on your SuperSite 2.
For SuperSite 2
You may display upto 4 Plans each, of the various Hosting Products that you are selling, on your SuperSite 2.
There is no option to choose the Plans to be displayed on your SuperSite 2 for the following Products:
Your SuperSite 2 will always display all the Plans available under these Products.
To Add/Remove Plans from your SuperSite 2
Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. 1
Click the Settings menu.
Now, click the Edit Settings button, besides each of the following Hosting categories individually:
Shared Linux Hosting Plans. This category is common for Single Domain Linux Hosting and Multi Domain Linux Hosting.
Shared Windows Hosting Plans. This category is common for Single Domain Windows Hosting and Multi Domain Windows Hosting.
Reseller Linux Hosting Plans
Reseller Windows Hosting Plans
Email Only Plans
Website Builder Plans
You need to perform the below steps for each Geo Hosting that you have signed up for.
Select a Geo location next to Choose the Server Location.
To select which Plans you wish to sell, drag the desired Plan from the Available <Hosting Product> Plans section to the <Hosting Product> displayed on <Hosting Product> Page section.
If you clicked the Edit Settings button besides Email Only Plans, then you may drag any Plan from the Available Email Hosting plans section to the Email Hosting displayed on Email Hosting Page section.
Choose a Plan from the Choose Preferred plan menu. This Plan will be highlighted on the Hosting Plans page of your SuperSite 2.
Choose a Geo Hosting from the Set preferred server location menu. The Hosting Plans page of your SuperSite 2 will display the Plans for this Geo Hosting by default.
Finally, click the Save button to save the changes.
You may choose to display from 1 to 4 Plans per Hosting category for each Geo Hosting on your SuperSite 2.
This process will modify the Plans displayed for every Language SuperSite 2 that you have created.
This process only allows you to modify which plans are displayed. If you wish to not to display (sell) a particular Plan, you would have to stop selling the parent Product entirely (for Multi Domain Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server, Managed Server, Enterprise Email, SiteLock and CodeGuard) or stop selling the Plan (for Single Domain Hosting, Email and Website Builder). 2
If you wish to revert to the default Plans that were configured, click the Reset to Default button.